Sunday, March 29, 2009

Pro Choice At Age 5?

Each night when Elle gets in her bed to go to sleep, she will ask Laura and I questions while we lay in our bed. Usually we get things we as parents can handle. Let's just say we weren't ready for what she sprung on us a few nights ago! For whatever reason, Elle obsesses about not wanting to have a baby. Question: " What do you do if there is a baby in your tummy and you don't want it in there anymore?" Me to Laura (slightly shocked and laughing): "Oh shit, what are we going to tell her?!" Jason to Elle: "Elle you don't need to worry about those types of things." Laura to Elle: "If you don't want it, it doesn't have to happen." Elle(whining): "But, I really don't want one in there."

I have a feeling this discussion is far from over...