Saturday, April 24, 2010

Charaker and Yesternight

These are a few of our favorite Elle-isms. We just don't have the heart to correct her. That may be poor parenting, but hey, we call the shots!

Elle is becoming more and more articulate as her vocabulary expands. I have even started to notice that her Southern drawl is subsiding. Cute to others, aggravating as hell to me. I never wanted anyone to make fun of her or more importantly think that she is anything less than intelligent.

Charaker = Character with a heavy emphasis on the "ker." Most common usage is in reference to the Disney gang. "Hey Daddy, which charaker do you think will be at Animal Kingdom today?"

Yesternight is even better! Elle has been saying it since she was at least 3. Only in the last few years have we learned the true meaning. When we asked her before she would shrug or just say "I dunno." Now when we ask her she says "the other night ago." I love how unspecific it is! Really it could be yesterday night or two to three nights ago!!!

Elle: Daddy have you ever tried the peach shake from Chick Fil A?
Me: Yes
Elle: When?
Me: Yesternight
Elle: You mean the other night ago?

God, I love her!


Dogwood Girl said...

So cute! Mine also did some strange stuff like yesternight. I think time is hard to grasp for them. And it is bittersweet when they get it.

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